SF:00757142 00830347 00719198 00757646 00796170 00815392 00725019 00727030 00724503 00729501 00727818 00754788 00715117 00807475
SF:00791724 00648063 00650554 00599063
SF:00821922 00799361 00820939 00846528
00800843 00813098 00810358 00837632
在SUSHI收割過程中,若供應商回傳有關date arguments的錯誤,獲取過程會失敗。此問題已修復。
SF:00711273 00683998 00813793 00718441
00713315 00715329 00835417 00821778 00709386 00735257 00722852 00843064
SF:00656217 00668227 00734071 00590725
00648393 00697253 00720620 00655322
有時Ex Libris頁尾會出現在螢幕中間。這已在新的AlmaLayout中修復。
SF:00571440 00601352 00815480 00625940
SF:00798177 00828521 00831894 00793551
00797609 00746802 00834883 00738472 00739039 00787476 00745299 00746782
即使Letters purge with retention排程作業成功執行,但總是顯示失敗。此問題已修復。
SF:00746782 00746802 00829876 00830601
00835901 00841620 00842305 00845005
對於某些沒有在任何信件上設定retension(信件保留天數)的客戶,Letters purge with retention排程作業會顯示失敗。此問題已修復。
SF:00625633 00795793 00847844 00650924
00733831 00795408 00792709 00840418 00817982
Daily Book Request報表傳送了錯誤訊息而不是正確的報表。此問題已修復。
SF:00414707 00474012 00801139 00549665
00451924 00459766 00612811 00526298 00392229 00736894 00460182 00558398
SF:00792171 00826975 00799440 00794008
物件重新上架被錯誤地認為是館藏更新,因此“申請-館藏更新後重新計算作業(Requests - Recalculate after Inventory Update job)”錯誤地觸發了申請重新計算。由於該作業還會在重新計算期間重新列印資源申請單據,因此導致這些項目的單據無故第二次列印。此問題已修復。現在,重新整理將不再觸發申請重新計算,因此不會重新列印單據。
SF:00460098 00715241 00450769 00580891
以前,以前,如果將ful_network_default_pickup_inst參數設置為讀者,則fulfillment network request form中的取書機構欄位的初始值將留為空白。 現已修復。 現在,當參數設置為讀者時,初始值將設置為讀者的機構,這意味著關連帳號使用者將顯示讀者的來源機構。 請注意,這取決於項目擁有物件的機構如何設定,而不取決於登錄的Primo讀者。
SF:00838823 00827077 00841414 00827875
00826257 00814009 00802283
建立了一個新的數據更正器DataCorrectorDeleteCollection,以手動刪除刪除作業失敗的特藏,可以在Data Corrector頁面執行。
SF:00602927 00479956 00826458 00627399
00666413 00602926
SF:00820894 00629897 00667186 00504073
00500239 00602332
在一個特定的案件中,執行Update Inventory import profile時會發生錯誤。此問題已修復。
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00791901 00734706
Performance improvements were made for the Receiving Department Items loaded
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00793139
In some cases, adding an email address to a work order caused it to fail. This
was fixed.
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00641376
When entering a material type of JOURNAL in the PO line, it was saved as
Journal Package. This was fixed.
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00736046 00752661
When creating a new purchase request that creates the bibliographic record, the
record is suppressed from publishing but it is not indexed as such. Because of
this, it could not be found as a record with Tag Suppressed (Title) = 'Yes'.
This was fixed.
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00593516 00817537
When receiving a new item for a continuous PO line, an incorrect calculation
caused the item status to be 'in place' instead of 'not in place'. This was
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00788285
In some cases, using a prediction pattern to receive an unreceived journal
caused the process fail. This was fixed.
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00715242
Previously, when the MMS ID equaled zero in the Electronic Resource Activation
Task List, the URL did not display or export. This was fixed.
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00794334
A tooltip in the Vendor EDI Add Organization Unit was not correct. This was
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00813037
In the Harvest Now process, when one report failed, all other reports failed as
well. This was fixed.
July 2020 Acquisitions
SF: 00791077
When sorting by SUSHI account in the SUSHI vendor list, some SUSHI accounts
were missing. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00819599
In the Fines/Fees Notification Profile Record, the maximum amount was not
saved. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00792037
Previously, every fine/fee which was created manually was written with a
creator and modifier by the first and last names of the operator. This was
fixed. Now it is written with the operator's user name so it will be aligned
with fines fees created automatically.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00829990
On the Payment Receipt Letter, the barcode now appears for fines that were
attached to barcodes but are not attached to loans.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00646323
When attempting to add a service unit to the Receiving Operator Role after it
was created, an error was generated. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00769496
In some cases, on the User Management Information page, when selecting the
Force password change on next login checkbox, the selection was retained
between users. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
On the User Record page, the Contact Information tab was accessible even though
it should have been restricted. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00821765 00813150
In some cases, logging into to Alma failed due to certain Service Units used in
'Currently at'. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00823694
When creating a Quick Registration in a member institution, some user fields
were not updated by the Network SIS loader. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00842264 00831324 00843538
In some cases blank address information displayed as 'Null' in user contact
information tab. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00825934
In the resetting the password with the Forgot Password option, some of the
error messages appeared in English regardless of the user's selected language.
This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00793460
The Alma course search criteria appeared cut. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00579885
Inconsistent naming between navigation links and page titles. This was fixed in
Alma new layout
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00804213 00752066 00805055
Quick User information automatically populated PIN and sent emails (Chrome,
German interface). This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
When using the new menu, running 'Move set of portfolios' job reverted the
interface back to the regular interface. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00634501
In the Approval Requests List, The contents of the Digitization Type and
Warning columns were not translated. This was fixed.
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00553228 00794082
Request button in Get It not fully clickable in Firefox. This is fixed
July 2020 Administration and
SF: 00833857
QuickAccess display (embedded in the new Alma viewer) for Network Zone,
Institution Zone, and related records is not working. This was fixed.
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00816692
Analytics “Interface status” has numeric value instead of Active/Inactive
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00832429
The Newly Created Portfolios out-of-the-box report referred to private folders
or unconfigured prompts. This was fixed.
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00622887 00791102
In Analytics, in the Fulfillment subject area under the Loan Details folder,
the Loan Note field contained no data even when the loan had a note. This was
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00752860 00739058 00794706
The Physical Items > Holding Details > Holdings Record Creation Date analytics
field displayed the same value as the Holding Details > Holdings Record
Modification Date analytics field and not the holding record's creation date as
it appears in Alma. This was fixed.
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00642793
The Transaction Type Pie chart on the Acquisitions dashboard could not be
edited to display the remaining allocation regardless of status. This was
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00832277 00756030 00823270
There was no difference between the data in the Fulfillment subject area
between the Patron Details folder and the Borrower Details folder. This was
fixed, and now the Patron Detail folder displays information from the time of
the loan and the Borrower Details folder displays the current information.
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00753773 00842063 00845646
Results did not appear for reports with the Bibliographic Details >
Language of Cataloging field in Analytics reports if the record does not
include an 040 $b field. This was fixed.
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00827498
The Portfolio Access Type field (Inventory >Portfolio Details) returned two
values for 'None'. This caused portfolio duplication in the report. This was
fixed and now only one record is displayed in the report.
July 2020 Analytics
SF: 00819855
LC Classification range 195.001 to AC199.999 showed incorrect groups. This was
July 2020 API
SF: 00720750 00720048 00551789
The New Order API was not recording the version when holdings were updated.
This was fixed.
July 2020 API
SF: 00798293
The GET Purchase-Requests API failed when the relevant user was missing a first
or last name. This was fixed.
July 2020 API
SF: 00821361
The Update-Portfolio API was updating the portfolio incorrectly when the
payload included more than one local_date_coverage_parameters. This was fixed.
July 2020 API
SF: 00820598
The Retrieve Electronic Collections API was slow when called without any search
parameters. This was improved.
July 2020 API
SF: 00813079
Hold Requests created by API didn't include item barcode. This was fixed.
July 2020 API
SF: 00819485
The GET-Users API, when used with wrong search syntax for the 'q' parameter,
wasn't returning the expected error message. This was fixed.
July 2020 API
SF: 00836954
The Get-Requests-By-Bib-mms-id was skipping digitization requests in some
cases. This was fixed.
July 2020 API
SF: 00695928
The Create Portfolio API (POST /bibs/{mms_id}/portfolios/) was creating
multiple IEE records. This was fixed.
July 2020 API
The GET-Bibs API was not returning the total_record_count field. This was
July 2020 API
SF: 00840598
The GET-Bibs API returned an error when, according to the search parameters, no
record was found. It now returns an empty list of records.
July 2020 Resource Management
Display issues on the the CDI Collection Tab were fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
Publishing to CDI failed when there was an empty publishing profile. This was
July 2020 Resource Management
DB type collections showed the selective indication option in multi-campus.
This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
Previously, you could not place a manual description request if the item was in
a temporary location. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00492161
A performance improvement has been made for selecting a new processing location
in Alma.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00635597 00793126
Request recalculation ignored the On Shelf request policy. As a result,
recalculation of a request sometimes caused the request to switch to an
available item even if the On Shelf request policy did not allow it. This was
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00648548
The Primo Get-It pane loading time was slow for serial titles that had many
related records. The loading time was improved. Additional improvements are in
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00824480
Under certain circumstances, the last renew status of a loan was incorrect.
This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00809021
A content indicator was added to the Instructors tab in the course details
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00842579 00823488
The Quick Print Preview of Ful Resource Request Slip Letter was not Supporting
Japanese Characters. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
If the Notifications - Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals job
failed to send emails because of users with no preferred email address, the job
completion status was set to either Completed with Errors or Completed with
Warnings according to the percentage of failures. Now the the job completion
status is always set to Completed with Warnings in this case, regardless of the
number of failures.
July 2020 Fulfillment
A performance improvement has been added in the fulfillment area.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00809197
When cancelling a request from the Patron Services page, the cancellation
reasons did not appear in the order of the code table, as they do when
cancelling form the Monitor Requests page. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
If the Loans - Overdue and Lost Item job failed to send emails because of users
with no preferred email address, the job completion status was set to either
Completed with Errors or Completed with Warnings according to the percentage of
failures. Now the the job completion status is always set to Completed with
Warnings in this case, regardless of the number of failures.
July 2020 Fulfillment
Translations were added for labels and buttons within the user summary section
of the Patron Services page.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00726894 00759677 00698458
Alma does not support sending emails to invalid addresses. This is now
reflected on the job report.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00743690
When importing a calendar from an excel file, events with 'Yearly' recurrence
were incorrectly imported as 'Weekly' events. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00756146
Some performance improvements were done for handling NCIP messages. Additional
improvements are planned for future releases.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00432307
The Pick from Shelf print slip report is now sorted in the same order as the UI
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00740059 00574434
When trying to place a request from Patron Services, and the record had only
items in a temporary location, the Booking button that not appear within the
Submit Request popup. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00789385 00790545 00812022 00798431
When a physical item request was in the pick from shelf stage, and then the
item information was changed, the resource request slip was immediately printed
a second time. Now, a new resource request slip is printed in this case only if
one of the following fields is changed: Location, Description, Material type,
Item policy, Process type. Note: If the request will not be handled (i.e. it is
still in the pick from shelf stage) until the next execution of the Requests -
Recalculate after Inventory Update job, the job will process the request and
will trigger a printing of a new slip regardless of which fields were changed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
Patron information will now be exported within the exported document (XML) for
any request type with such information.
July 2020 Fulfillment
When an AFN request was created for an item that was temporarily in remote
storage, the request was sometimes placed in Pick from Shelf status instead of
Waiting for Remote Storage status. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00701755
The XML of the Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter was missing the
issue_level_description information. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00690928
The series title number was not added to FulOutgoingEmailLetter and
QueryToPatronLetter. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00746820 00805568
When trying to renew a lending request either manually or automatically, and
the Resource Sharing library has no opening hours, the renew response was sent
without a due date and an internal error displayed to the page in the manual
action. This was fixed. Now, in this circumstance, the renew action is not
performed, no message is sent to borrower and an informative error displays on
the page.
July 2020 Fulfillment
When converting an article resource sharing request to a digitization/hold
request, the note did not include the Article Title and Author information.
This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00812077 00821850
In some cases, shipping a lending request digitally resulted in an error. This
was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00694833
The parameter rs_override_local_partner_shared_barcodes to override the shared
barcodes in the distribution of partners was enabled for all BIBSYS
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00800370
When sending an NCIP AccepItem message for a borrowing request that was
initially created by Alma, Alma ignored the DateForReturn field and did not
update the request due date accordingly. This was fixed. Alma now updates the
borrowing request with the new due date if sent. No change is done in the loan
due date in case the item is loaned already.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00740309 00453083 00731900 00736130 00728401 00741175
00626932 00623005
Notes containing a carriage return in ISO messages sometimes caused the message
to fail. This was fixed, Carriage returns are now removed from the notes of all
ISO messages.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00648258 00684788
The dynamic URL was not encoded properly. This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
The pickup institutions list in Alma and Getit request forms is now
alphabetically sorted.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00751777 00729366 00727865
A performance improvement was made to the Loan - Overdue and Lost Item job.
July 2020 Fulfillment
SF: 00831954
Previously, the Request Send Report job always appeared as active on the
Fulfillment Jobs Configuration page, although the job was actually inactive.
This was fixed.
July 2020 Fulfillment
In some cases, the External_System_RS_Export job failed to export the request
due to a change in the request or item during the job execution. This was
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00756530
In Repository Search, when searching in advanced search using Additional
Publication year > Contains keywords = Â, the results page was not
loaded properly. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00792655
When merging secondary bib record 'A' (attached to an Electronic Collection)
into a primary bib record 'B', the Electronic Collection was correctly attached
to record 'B'. However, a redundant representation of the primary record 'B'
remained active, which caused this record to be published twice. This was
corrected. The redundant representation of the primary record 'B' is deleted as
part of the merge and combine process.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00826000
'Physical Inventory Operator' role does not work as expected, causing users
without Repository Manager role unable to see the holdings/items links when
opening a public itemized set. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00788933 00816952 00759342
The 500 Internal error was issued when attempting to save predicted items. This
was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
The relinking option of a holding or an item (functionality available for the
Physical Inventory Operator/Extended/Manager/Repository Manager/Purchasing
Operator/Purchasing Manager roles) was allowed for any holding or item even
when they are not in the same library scope.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00789803 00789816
When holdings had more than one item and one of the items changed his location
to a new holdings, the Modify column contained wrong data. That was fixed. Old
data wasn't fixed, to fix it, re-save the item.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00812367
In the Physical Item 'view' mode, the 'Relink to another bibliographic record'
button is now visible only to the following roles, which include the
'PHYSICAL_INVENTORY_MANAGE' privilege: Repository Manager, Physical Inventory
Operator (+ extended), Purchase Operator, Purchase Manager.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00239222
After contributing an electronic collection to the Community Zone, updating the
URL of a portfolio in the collection changed the local portfolio but not the
Community Zone. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00688677
When a portfolio already had a license attached and the import profile did not
contain a license, portfolio license was not deleted. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00754725
Portfolio with a big amount of coverages caused overlap analysis to fail. This
was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
Deleting e-collection by a job while restarting the batch, caused the
e-collection to remain in 'In deletion' status.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00799486
Upload Electronic Holdings job for Ovid was not activating or updating
monographs when multiple profiles were set up in a multi-campus environment.
This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00828538 00804299 00824720
When an identifier from an Upload Electronic Holdings job input file already
existed in at least two different bibliographic records within an institution,
the portfolio was not activated or updated by the job. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
'Type' label appeared twice in the 'Manage Column Display' when searching for
electronic collections. This was fixed to appear only once.
July 2020 Resource Management
The 'Service' label that appeared in the 'manage column display' when searching
for electronic collections was removed נecause the 'Services' label already
exists and therefore, the 'Service' label is unnecessary.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00826322
The Upload Electronic Holdings job used to update and reindex every active
portfolio in the input file, even if no changes were made. The job now checks
for changes before updating portfolios.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00827823 00828566
The upload electronic holdings job used to update and reindex every active
portfolio in the input file, even if no changes were made. The job now checks
for changes before updating portfolios.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00839043
The “Selected Full Text' service could not be deleted from electronic
collection. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00809493
In some cases, removing a link to a bibliographic record in an electronic
collection did not trigger the publishing of the bib record as deleted. This
was fixed: now when a bib record is separated from a collection, it is properly
published as deleted.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00731853
With the October release, the Publish Electronic Records to CDI job was made
available for all customers, even when the parameter publish_to_central_index
was set to 'PC only'. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00794242
In enrichment publishing, the Create Date/ Modification Date was wrong in some
cases. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00796215
Error messages displayed when trying to delete collections relating to a
workflow, such as import, profile/deposit, and profile/digitization profile did
not provide enough information. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00814009 00802283
A new data corrector DataCorrectorDeleteCollection, was created to
manually delete collections where the deletion job failed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00827068 00798456
Running Update Electronic Holdings Integration Profile for SPRINGER produced
the error 'An error occurred while downloading vendor's file'. This was fixed.
The jobs that did not complete successfully, now provide the right indication.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00829504
In some cases, 'Combine set' showed as failed, but succeeded to create the new
set. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00791647
Portfolios that were linked to more than one service (wrong service ID in TPS)
caused a different number for collection and service. A data corrector was
added to fix the issue.
July 2020 Resource Management
'Held By' page – Summary Holdings: previously only field 866 subfields $a and
$z were displayed. This was fixed. If the holdings record contains fields 866,
867, or 868 (all three are repeatable) with subfields $a (non-repeatable) and
$z (repeatable), all of them will be displayed. Fields are separated with “ ; “
(space semicolon space), and subfields with “ – “ (space dash dash space).
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00701001
Browse Shelf Listing of Dewey call numbers: the sorting of the browsed results has
been corrected for Dewey call number that contain an underscore (“_”). This fix
is relevant only when the “Dewey_normalization_numeric_sort_after_underscore”
customer parameter is set to “true”. In addition, full inventory indexing is
required, with the “recalculate Holdings Operational” option enabled.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00808612
When an itemized set with deleted bib records was used for the “Delete
Bibliographic records” job, the counter [X] in the message “The selected set
contains [X] members” included the deleted records. In addition, the “Number of
bibliographic records deleted” in the job’s report included previously deleted
records. Both issues were fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00818932
Linking fields to related inventory – 773$$g (MARC21) or 461$$v and 463$$v
(UNIMARC): when there were multiple subfields to filter both by year
(Chronology I) and volume (Enumeration A or barcode), e.g. 461 $$v yr:1998 $$v
no:19, related holdings records were filtered only according to volume (no:19)
and not by year (yr:1998). This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00661567
A UResolver request with rft.doi containing a DOI's base URL caused an
incorrect target URL. The base URL was removed from the rft.doi and fixed the
target URL.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00517671 00742671
DOI title parsed with many spaces that causes incorrect target URL. This was
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00818824
Previously, when creating a local authority in the MDE, it created a local
authority record with the originating system id = '001' field, even if this
originating system and originating system id already exist. This was fixed.
Now, it validating if an authority record with the same originating system and
originating system id already exist, and issues an error if so.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00453801
When cataloguing in Hebrew, and adding a Hebrew letter directly after $$, the
key Backspace does not work. When the 'show directional characters' option is
on, the 'backspace' key does not work at all on '$$ש' (for example). If the
'show directional characters' option is off, only clicking twice on the
backspace key works. Both issues were fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00658944 00670815 00752783
Previously, when saving a record and the record was not changed, the 'Modified
By' did not change, but the 'Modification Date' did change. This was fixed. Now
the 'Modified By' does change when the record is saved and no change was made.
July 2020 Resource Management
In some cases, when a network institution member tried to delete a network bib
record (which cannot be deleted) from the Metadata Editor, a warning message
was displayed, followed by a system error message; as a result, the record was
deleted although it should not have. This was corrected.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00759171
CNMARC profile - content code values for field 100 position 17 had the same
value for 2 codes. The value of code k at position 17 of field 100 was updated.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00681621
After browsing for an item with a specific source of classification or shelving
scheme (call number type = source specified in subfield $2) through the 'Browse
Shelf Listing' feature, editing it and then returning back to the MD Editor by
selecting 'Cancel,' 'Save' or the 'Back' arrow, the user was not directed back
to the Browse Shelf Listing with the previous parameters settings. This was
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00814758
Relinking holdings did not remove the merged empty holding. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00830152
MD Editor New UI - problematic display of info message 'Alma has attempted to
link the bib heading...'. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00702239
The headings of field 490 were wrongly linked to authorities. The data was
fixed (link removed), and added code that prevents future link of unauthorized
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00754256 00790005 00707903
AUTH heading - punctuation was removed when linking an authority record via F3,
even though parameter add_punctuation_for_heading was set to “N”. This was
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00795572
When Editing CZ NLI Authorities, no drop-down list for Expand from Template
appeared. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00798137
CZ authority records for NLI - F3 was not working in 37X-fields for some
institutions. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00744438
Field 075 (Type of entity) was missing in the MARC21 Authority profile. This
was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00813630
After updating a BARE authority record, the 035 was missing. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00743313
In some cases, a New Order import job that imported greater than 50 records
that all used the same PO created the PO twice. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00821832
Alma was slow when opening 'Monitor and View Imports'. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00819352
While updating an existing import profile, the confirmation message indicated
that a new profile was added. The feedback massage was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00811504
312, 314, 320 and 330 UNIMARC fields were not converted to MARC21 fields during
import. This was fixed.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00822760
Contribution of SBN Authority record of type Authore failed after modification.
A specific error message was added.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00822752
Contribution of Titolo Uniformi authority records generated a different
response from SBN than other authority types. Alma functionality was modified
to handle this.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00553890
For UNIMARC Browse Bibliographic Headings, some titles did not display
properly. This was fixed. A full inventory re-indexing (including 'recreate bib
headings') needs to be run for this fix to be fully functional.
July 2020 Resource Management
SF: 00813711 00742324
SBN integration - Search for fingerprint (T012) was missing for materials other
than Music. Impronta search fields were added.